Ohr-O’keefe Museum of Art Event Rental
More Info or Schedule a Tour
Robert Harrison, Operations Manager
228.374.5547 Ext. 1210 (Mon-Fri 10-5)
Ohr-O’keefe Museum of Art Event Rental
Sometimes referred to as the Tea Room or Board Room. This space is best suited for small events like meetings, rehearsal dinners, small receptions, and parties. The view from the patio, when considering the combination of the natural beauty of the coast along with our deconstructivist architecture, is incomparable to anything you’ll see along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Men’s restroom
Women’s restroom
Refrigerator, sink, counter space
Cost: $500
Capacity (standing/seated): 50/30
Robert Harrison, Operations Manager
228.374.5547 Ext. 1210 (Mon-Fri 10-5)